Incy Wincy

Incy Wincy fell down the waterspout after losing a battle against the rain that washed him down again. Can you help our 8-legged friend back up the other side?


This is a 2D platformer prototype - use WASD and spacebar, or the arrow keys to move.

Insert iframe here
Game Design by Chantal Duxfield
Music by: "Pixelland" AND "Mischief Maker" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License



Sweet platformer. I kept jumping too late and falling off hahaha It would be nice to make the collider for the platforms just a bit bigger than the visual platforms so that I believed I was better at the game than I actually was hahaha


Nicely done! In true platformer fashion, I managed to immediately yeet myself off the edge on my first playthrough, ahahaha.